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Currently, I am working through the Bible Study: Create In Me a Heart of Wisdom from (In) Courage. And right away in week one, day two, they talked about knowing ourselves. They write, “A life lived know knowing ourselves is ultimately an unwise, and unfulfilling life.”
It’s explained that a lack of self-awareness leads to choices that hurt instead of help. We can hurt ourselves and others. But not knowing ourselves can lead to confusion about purpose and passion. And simply even things we enjoy doing for fun.
I love how they said this, “We are complex beings, with personalities, desires, traumas, love languages, pains and fears, and we are constantly changing and growing. Though God knew who we’d become even before He knit us together in our mothers’ wombs, we need to take time to get to know ourselves.”
They provide suggestions of different personality tests one can take to know oneself better, as a start. Have you taken any of these tests?
I’ve taken all of these tests. I took the Myers-Briggs one twice and got two different results. They weren’t taken back to back. I took the Enneagram Type 3 times and got three different answers. I got 6 - The Loyalist, the first time, then 7 - The Enthusiast, the second time, and I took it again while writing this post and I got 2 - The Helper!
My favorite of these tests is StrengthsFinder because I felt like it was the most accurate. You do have to pay to take this test, however, my job provides a class on this and they take care of the cost.
I took the test at the beginning of Summer and my top 5 themes were:
With learner, the results say that I possess the physical and mental endurance needed to spend hours studying, reading, or researching. And this is true! I love reading and learning. And when I learn new things I like to share the knowledge I learned.
And with achiever, it says that I take great satisfaction with being busy and productive. If you know me, you know this is true!
I recently realized that my husband had the StrengthFinder book so I’m eager to read more about my results. But I loved how the Bible Study spoke about knowing our personality and knowing about ourselves because I do think it’s important.
Although, personality tests can tell us some things about us, our God, who created us, knows us best. We must stay in His word daily to learn about Him and ourselves.
I’d love to hear if you’ve taken these tests and how you felt about the results. Were they accurate or not?
With Love, Heidy
P.S. If you need a copywriter for writing services or looking to launch a podcast – let’s get in touch; I want to create with you!